In this paper, relationship between full-decarbonisation temperature of high-carbon steel on surfaces and their phase structures have been explained with phase rule and Fe-Fe_3C phase diagram. 用相律解释了由实验得出的表面高碳钢发生全脱碳的温度与其金相组织的对应关系。
So this is an example of the Gibbs phase rule, 1 specific where C happens to be equal to one. 这是吉布斯相律的一个例子,这个例子里面C等于。
And this example here is a specific example of something called the Gibbs phase rule. 这个例子就是,吉布斯相率的一个特定的应用。
And then we said that this turned out to be a special case or sub-case of the more general Gibbs phase rule. 这只是一个更普遍的吉布斯相率的特例,或者说是个例。
So next time, then, what we'll do is we'll start by deriving the Gibbs phase rule. 下一次我们要做的,就是推导吉布斯相律。
Which is the Gibbs phase rule, right? 这就是吉布斯相率,对吗?
Where, let me write down what the Gibbs phase rule is first. 首先我们写出吉布斯相律是什么。
And for the Gibbs phase rule, then we start with the two knobs that we can turn externally. 对于吉布斯相率我们先考虑,我们能够从外部控制的两个条件。
The Gibbs phase rule tells you the number of independent variables given a number of constraints. 吉布斯相律告诉你,独立变量的数目,给定约束之后。
The relation between the Condensed System and Salt& Water System; also, the application of Gibbs Phase rule to these Systems; 凝聚系统与盐水系统之间的关系以及吉布斯相律对这些系统的应用。
The single phase flow rule of coalbed gas in coal and cleats may be studied by use of non equilibrium adsorption model. 采用非平衡态吸附模型,研究单相煤层气在煤体和割理中的流动规律。
Application Of Phase Rule: The Degree of Freedom of Evaporation& Crystallization 相律的应用:蒸发结晶过程自由度
An Alternative Expression of Gibbs Phase Rule and Its Application in Explaining the Critical Points 相律的正确表达及其在特殊点的应用
Some questions on the independence consistency limiting factor number in the phase rule 有关相律中独立浓度限制条件数的若干问题
Two phase spatial association rule mining algorithm based on image segmentation 基于图像分割的两阶段空间关联规则挖掘算法
In this paper, phase variation value is defined with help of calculating error energy of adjacent code cells of MPSK signal, so that recognition of MPSK signal phase encoding rule can be realized. 本文通过计算多相编码信号(MPSK)相邻码元间的误差能量的方法来确定相位突变值,从而达到对MPSK信号相位编码规律的识别。
Simulative Calculation is made on the pressure at each point along the pipeline during gas pipeline storage and supply processes, flow velocity of gas-liquid phase and changing rule with time for liquid-holdup in pipeline. 模拟计算了管道储气和供气过程中沿线各点的压力、气液相流速和管内持液率随时间的变化规律。
A method was reported that calculating order through establishing matrix in phase equilibrium system and compared with phase rule, the relation between order and number of independent component was found. 本文通过相平衡体系中矩阵的建立,解出其秩,与相律进行比较,找出秩与独立组分数间的关系。
Phase Changing Rule during Rotor Running up 转子升速过程中相位变化规律
In the job-sequencing phase, a rule coding based genetic algorithm was adopted to optimize the job sequence in each cluster. 在工件排序阶段,采用基于规则编码的遗传算法,优化各聚类内工件的加工顺序。
In the paper, the method is discussed that can define independent variable of the state in the equilibrium system according to phase rule and character of linear homogenous function about extensive variate. 讨论了用相律和容量性质的一次齐函数特性来确定平衡体系状态独立自变量的方法。
The paper uses hysteresis relay feedback control to get the critical point parameter for the dead-time of processes, and tuning the initial values of PID controller through a given phase margin rule, then combining online tuning PID parameter by fuzzy inference. 本文利用滞环继电反馈控制获取时滞对象的临界参数,按给定相角裕度法整定PID的初值,再结合模糊推理在线整定PID的参数。
Study of water phase diagram by making use of Gibbs phase rule 用吉布斯相律对水相图的研究
On the Applicable Condition of R ′ in the Phase Rule 关于相律中R′的应用条件
The number of independent reaction is quite an important concept for studying the simultaneous equilibrium of many chemical reactions and in calculating the number of independent components and degree of freedom with correct use of the phase rule. 独立反应数对于研究多种化学反应同时平衡以及正确地使用相律计算相平衡体系的独立组分数、自由度数,都是一个十分重要的概念。
Theoretic calculation and relative test are carried out against the rotor vertical and horizontal signal phase change rule during rotor running up. 针对转子在变速过程中垂直和水平信号相位及其差值变化规律进行了理论计算和相关试验。
The next development phase of rule of law will be to resolve the outstanding contradictions in law enforcement. 法治发展下一个阶段的突出矛盾将是解决有法不依、执法不严、违法不究的问题。
In China, Government procurement system has been in its infancy stage and started to enter the management phase of the rule of law. 在我国,政府采购制度已具雏形,并开始步入法制化管理阶段。
Through the dynamic compression test, analyzed the rubber asphalt in different frequency load under dynamic compressive modulus and the lagging phase angle change rule. 通过动态压缩试验,分析了橡胶沥青在不同频率荷载下动态压缩模量和滞后相位角?的变化规律。